TURN 22:
Provinces: 9
Treasury: 442
Income: 695
Upkeep: 247
RP Total: 77
Forts: 2
Temples: 3
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 15
Conjuration: 4 (+74)
Alteration: 3
Construction: 4
Enchantment: (+3)
Blood Magic:
Gem Income
15 (+2)
13 (+4)
5 (+1)
10 (+3/5)
35 (+6)
2 (+2)
~ Conjuration 4 has been completed.
~ C�tis has declared war on me.
~ There was an event in Horslund Forest. A wave of religious zeal has swept the province and a group of followers committed to your cause have joined your armies. It appears that I now have 47 militias that have joined me. Guess I will have to send them to their death soon as I think I pay upkeep on them :/.
~ There are 8 arena battles and one winner. I will try to quickly summarize what happens in each of them.
(1) Mictlan vs. Caelum. Mictlan send Mictlipoctli its prophet which is equipped with an Axe of Sharpness. Caelum sends Xshviwraspa the Seraphine. Mictlipoctli spams Raise Skeletons and Xshviwraspa keeps casting Banishment. The skeletons quickly overwhelm her and Mictlan wins.
(2) T�ien Ch�I vs. Abysia. T�ien Ch�I sends Tian-Zong the Prince General and Abysia sends Mog the Beast Trainer. Tian-Zong takes a few rounds and ends up killing Mog in melee and is left undamaged.
(3) Mictlan vs. C�tis. C�tis sends Ishkur its prophet the Lizard King. Ishkur starts out casting Holy Avenger and repeated Smites on Mictlipoctli. Mictlipoctli gets damaged on the first Smite and goes berserk and charges to melee. Mictlipoctli end up winning the battle with 19 hps left.
(4) Arcoscephale vs. T�ien Ch�I. Arcoscephale sends Nurbis the Moloch, its pretender. The Moloch is 4F, 2A, 6S, 4D. It has its imps appear then casts Personal Luck and Body Ethereal and goes into melee. Tian-Zong manages to kill one imp and then perishes once Nurbis hits him.
(5) Mictlan vs. Pythium. Pythium sends Bartholomeus its prophet the Patriarch and also has Ritual of Returning up. Mictlipoctli spams Raise Skeletons again and as soon as one hits Bartholomeus he routs (returns to the capitol I assume due to RoR).
(6) Mictlan vs. Arcoscephale. The imps from Nurbis the Moloch kill Mictlipoctli before they can do anything.
(7) Arcoscephale vs. Vanheim. Vanheim sends Gunnlaug the Vanjarl. Gunnlaug casts Banishment then kills enough imps to make them rout. Nurbis casts Personal Luck, Body Ethereal then ends up killing Gunnlaug in melee after a few rounds of combat and misses. Gunnlaug also casts Confusion quite a few times during the battle.
(8) Atlantis vs. Arcoscephale. Atlantis sends Zagauba the Deep Seer. The imps from Nurbis the Moloch kill Zagauba the first round and Nurbis ends up winning the competition for Arcoscephale.
Dagan, the Renegade Sage is still available at now 27 gold.
The Lost Legion was recruited by Vanheim.
J=Jotunheim, I=Indep., Mg=Marignon, Py=Pythium
J 6 (207) Yldemir � Capitol � 100/0 (31570, 223, 173, 421) 25 Def
J 6 (208) Farsen Forest � Forest � 100/0 (7470, 40, 33, 147) 5 Def
J 6 (218) East Farsen Forest � Forest � 100/0 (10080, 58, 30, 206) 5 Def
J 6 (202) High Yldemir � Forest � 100/0 (7530, 41, 33, 174) 5 Def
J 6 (195) Oeversee � Plains � 100/0 (10810, 81, 8, 211) 5 Def
I 5 (212) West Farsen Forest � Forest � (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60, 70,90,40,90,70,50,50,90,40,40,70,70 Barbarians
J 6 (180) Suddeir Down � Plains � 100/0 (10270, 70, 106, 287) 15 Def
J 6 (183) North Horslund Forest � Forest � 100/0 (9330, 51, 31, 197) 5 Def
I 3 (216) Frostwater � Mountain � (40) Light Infantry/Militias
I 1 (205) Aeros River � Mountain � (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
J 6 (166) Horslund Forest � Forest � 100/0 (9250, 57, 34, 209) 11 Def
I 6 (165) Tolk � Farm Lands � (80),50,90,80,(60),40,90,(70),(70),80 Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
J 6 (152) South Horslund Forest � Forest - 100/0 (9130, 52, 30, 180) 11 Def
Mg 3 (146) Vorgunmarsh � Swamp
I -2 (193) Upper Skelde � Farm Lands � (50),(50),(50),(30),(50), (30),(30),(60),(50),(40),(30),(40) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
Mg 5 (141) The Sinking Land � Farm Lands
I ? (189) Skelde Henge � Plains � (20) Tribal Cavalry
Mg ? (179) Braegen Marches � Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh � Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills � Farm Lands � (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana � Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar � Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass � Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen � Plains
Py -1 (136) Toemuck Fen � Swamp
Mg -2 (143) Wisp�s Home � Swamp
On my borders it appears that Marignon has 3 Royal Guards in (146) and no visible troops in (141).
I increase the PD of my sage province (180) to 15. Libar is my new sage and is 1E. I recruit another sage this turn.
Tunne the scout picks up the Endless Bag of Wine and heads to (146) to join my main army there. My main army moves from (166) to attack Marignon at (146). I pick up the 47 militia and set them at the front of the formation with Attack Closest orders. Hopefully some will die off before they run for the hills

. This also adds quite a bit of supply usage to my army, but hopefully will not result in too many starving units.
Angerboda gives its 2 Jotun Spearmen bodyguards to Gisli so that she can use her Forest Survival and travel directly to (202) to search for magic sites.
Gisli takes the Wraith Sword from the lab and summons another Ice Drake. This will be my Last summon of Ice Drakes and I will save the rest of my water gems for some more clams. Aude the Gygja forges a Pendant of Luck.
The rest of my mages will research conjuration with 74 of the 77 total RPs and start enchantment with the remaining 3 RPs.