Katchoo said:
Terrorists have no problems with other Religions, as long you don't try to impose another Religion on to them. Unfortunately the U.S. likes to go around shoving Christianity down foreign throats, and that, young man, doesn't help your Country.
I would have to say I disagree with you here Katchoo on both of your statements: Islam itself have no problems with other religions, and some "islamic" "terrorist" indeed take "care" in choosing their targets, but quite frankly, you cannot expect a group of men that follow a man who wants to establish a pan-arabic islamic sheikdom that "will" destroy jews, judaism, christianity, christians, and others that walk amongst "pure muslims who must pretend tolerance but deep down hate them (those belonging to other than their brand of islam) for what they are" that was sheltered by a radical militant group that shot women on sight for showing their ankles and bazooka-ed priceless peices of human heritage because they saw it as an affront to the Quran religious tolerance.
And the US government has never, ever, imposed christianity onto other nations. American missionaries are indeed numerous in many nations, and more go abroad each day, but they do it for their own beliefs, not for some political-religious agenda. And Countries can always reject these missionaries; whether they are accepted or rejected, that is a matter for the populace of the nations that are being evangelized to decide.
Edit: I agree with Fyron. This thread is IMHO becoming degrading, in both senses of the word. Let's all take a moment to calm down and if anyone should want to restart the discussion, be civil in doing so.