Starhawk said:A.) Canada is not worth being hit by a terrorist attack to a terrorist organization because as renegade pointed out so well THEY HAVE an ity bitty tiny population that is not as centralized as the average US big city nor are they as nationally diverse so blowing up a building in Canada would only kill Canadians and most likely far fewer dead (the terrorists were attempting to knock the towers over not make them collapse, estimated body count was nearly 100,000 dead had the towers fallen while rescue personnel were on scene and while the other buildings and streets below were crowded as their fall would have lead to a chain reaction for multiple blocks and killed so many people it's scary), in canada you just couldn't kill that many people that easily unless you dropped a nuke so less body count means less publicity which means not worth it.
"Tried to knock it down"??? If you want to tip over a building, you take out the supports. Ever watch a controlled building demolition? You don't see Engineers toppling a building blowing it from the top floors. Terrorists are a lot of things, but stupid isn't one of them. If they were stupid they would have been caught at the Airport.
This is the first time I've heard your explanation. Sounds like more "fear propoganda" to keep Bush's base controlled & paranoid.
And as for Canadians themselves being morally superior because they never fund rebel Groups or anything, uh THEY'RE TOOO POOR buddy! Hand a blue Canadian dollar to a middle easterner he'd use it for toilet paper and then laugh at you (heck he might give it back in the mail)so of course your not funding terrorist Groups.
So you're, what, saying that it's all right to fund terrorist Groups and start rebellions? I think it's time you put aside your copy of SE:IV and smelled the coffee.
As for knocking our currency, well, have at it all you want. Poke all the fun you want at our Military too. At the end of the day our Soldiers will still be alive (and mostly home) while your Men & Women are off getting ripped apart in Iraq. The joke's on you, and I wish it weren't.
Ahem TERRORISTS HATE EVERYONE OF A DIFFERENT RELGION look at their doctrines, they hated us for soo many reasons you can't DARE simplify it as a "oooh big bad americans made dumb mistakes during the cold war" crap and th soviet union funded rebels to are they going after Russia.........NO so that blows that theory right clean out of the water buddy.
Who's talking about the Cold War. I specifically mentioned the Taliban. Had the United States not supplied funding & weapons to Bin Laden during the 80's & 90's the 9/11 attack may not have happened.
Terrorists have no problems with other Religions, as long you don't try to impose another Religion on to them. Unfortunately the U.S. likes to go around shoving Christianity down foreign throats, and that, young man, doesn't help your Country.
Oh and no offense to any Canadians here, I hear it's a lovley country with polite people but lets face it in the grand world scheme of things most of the 3rd world nations probobly don't know what Canada is while 99.999% of the world knows of that huge ol' country the United States.
An ignorant comment from a waste of space.