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Old October 23rd, 2004, 11:24 PM

Renegade 13 Renegade 13 is offline
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Default Re: OT - US Presidential Candiates Arrested!

Starhawk said:
Gandalf Parker said:

Oh and Canada has a military so weak it can barely defend it's own country and relies on allies for everything (not an insult here I'm just saying) so they couldn't go about any serious wars if they wanted too.
WHAT?!? What in the world do you base that on? The fact that they dont defend their southern border and rely on us to do it? You realize of course that we dont defend our northern border and rely on them to do it. In fact, most of the missile shield and radar services for the US is Canadian. Is it the fact that there has never been a Canadian war for Canadian reasons? They DO show up for every world war. They DO show up for every UN action in some very nasty places. Their forces are juast as capable and equiped as anyones.

Now if you wanted to say something like "all your decent war equipment comes from research an manufacturing of the US" then that would probably be true. But of course thats true of most of the world and Im not sure its anything I would want to brag about.
Crap I misworded it again I'm sorry to Canadians everywhere lol I did not meant to imply their soldiers were incompetent ro their technology inferior I meant NUMBERS wise they are by far no true military power and can't fight a "serious war" on their it would probobly bankrupt them....sorry again.
Once again you are right Starhawk. We have a very small standing military force, as it would most definitely bankrupt us. However, we were in both world wars, and performed very well in them. IIRC, we had 1 million people serve in WW2, and we performed in many operations, and were some of the best sharp-shooters in the entire war. Still are actually. Snipers. We could not start a war if we wanted to, at least not without a whole hell of a lot of extra spending and armament. But maybe that's a good thing.

I'm sorry if lots of this has been said before, but I'm working my way back through the Posts, without reading the most recent ones
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