Starhawk said:
Yah it's not free though...
Hey question why would someone make an entire series that they wrote available Online for free? WOuldn't that cost them a LOT of money? or are those illegal because if they are illegal I definately won't download em.
Depends on who's distributing them. If you're getting it Online from the Book Distributor or an authorized site, then you're fine. If you're getting it from a fan site run by a 10 year-old taiwanese boy, then you might want to think twice.
eBooks haven't really 'broken out' yet (in popularity), so the hit (if there is one) to the pocketbooks of Baen &/or Weber has been minor. If anything, making the books available Online for free helps to attract new readers who might get hooked by reading a few chapters, and then go out and buy the printed Version themselves.
I've got the entire HH run myself, and can't wait for the sequal to War of Honor to come out (whenever that may be).