JenMax, this is the
cultural modifiers you get when selecting a culture under the culture tab when designing a race. Each culture has a set number of advantages/disadvantages. Not the
characteristics you can change at will under the characteristics tab. As far as I know the characteristics all work just fine. They always have for me anyway.
suicide_junkie, I'm not really sure. All I know is that my race with a 50% cultural modifier to maintenance still payed 5% maintenance.
The only lines settings.txt that deal with maintenance are these:
Maintenance Cost Amt Per Dead := 20000
Empire Starting Percent Maint Cost := 25
Characteristic Maintenance Aptitude Max Pct := 120
Characteristic Maintenance Aptitude Min Pct := 80
Characteristic Maintenance Aptitude Pct Cost := 50
Characteristic Maintenance Aptitude Threshold := 10
Characteristic Maintenance Aptitude Threshhold Pct Cost Pos := 200
Characteristic Maintenance Aptitude Threshhold Pct Cost Neg := 5
Looks to me like it has to be hardcoded since I can't find a line in settings.txt that defines minimum maintainance. And since the maintenance reduction can still go to 20% and is not limited to +15% in settings.txt I'd say it's hardcoded. Looks like you're Nomads are up **** creek without a paddle.
Please don't shoot the messenger.