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Old June 25th, 2001, 03:28 PM
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Default Re: Cultural Modifiers

Yes, is sad. You tested the "cultural Modifiers." Basically, then, when designing an empire, one might as well set "ship def" as low as it will go, and use the points to improve other things, like happiness?
I love Ship defence. With a 25% bonus, on average, you can halve the beam weapon hits to your ships. Add in some shield regenerators and your ships become nearly undefeatable. I have a dreadnaught in one of my games that went to attack a solitary, mine-damaged phong DN. 9 others decloaked. My 18% bonus to defence reduced the enemy HEM beams to a 30% chance to hit, and with regenerators, I was able to survive all 25 rounds and kill 60% of the enemy force before running out of supplies and getting my shieldless, immobile *** kicked. The DN managed to survive till turn 30, when two of my BCs arrived to finish off the now-crippled enemy.

Ship defence rocks! And regenerators are awesome.

PS: It only took a year to get home and repair my DN, but it became quite legendary after that battle

[This message has been edited by suicide_junkie (edited 25 June 2001).]
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