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Old October 19th, 2004, 12:04 AM

The Panther The Panther is offline
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Default Re: Dominions II Bug Thread

"Mictlan had an unexplainable increase in wealth this turn. This is probably caused by cheating."

I have been testing Mictlan extensively in SP recenty. I have got this host message to myself several times, but usually later in the game.

Just now, I got this message on turn 12, and it truly was an unexplained increase in wealth. I had one Mictlan Priest with a jade knife and four blood slaves. I moved from my capitol to an adjacent province that had a tower and a temple already built plus a lab under construction. I had only one unused blood slave remaining in my gem pool, and maybe this had an effect on it.

After hosting the turn, I got the message about the increase in wealth and my priest now has 41 slaves, which is more than he can even normally hold.

This is clearly a bug, but at least the cheat detection caught it. Unfortunately, I did not check the other times I got this message to see if the same thing had occured. The previous times, I pooled slaves without noticing how many I had or should have gotten. My current game is so early that I easily noticed this time when I gained the 37 slaves.
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