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Old October 15th, 2004, 11:34 AM
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Default New PBW Game - All Rock 3

Every player must play Rock colonization type initially until Gas or Ice are researched.

Numer of Players: 9
Starting resources: 5000
Starting planets: 1
Home planet value: Good
Score display: Own
Technology level: Low
Racial points: 3000/5000 (See notes below)
Quadrant type: Galactic Edge
Quadrant size: Large
Event frequency: None
Event severity: Low
Technology cost: Medium
Victory conditions: Score is 250% of 2nd Place Player, after turn 50.
Maximum units: 10000
Maximum ships: 2000
Computer players: None
Neutral empires: No

Other game settings:

_No Intelligence
_No Mines
_No Surrender
_No Random Events
_Refuel Tech will be turned off - this tech tree actually removes an important aspect of the game, keeping ships supplied.
_Phased Weapons will be turned off. Just to cost effective. Discourages other weapons tech. Makes fighters too weak.
_Ruins will be on - they cause lots of early squabbling and conflict.
_Will show the following statistics on the PBW Statistic Page: Tech Ranking, Number of Systems and Planets.
_No Gifting or Trading Technology, Ships, or Bases. The only way to gain tech is to capture if from another player. May transfer planets (with units and facilities), resources, maps, com channels. May establish treaties. Trading Minister must be turned off. Theoritically, players missing consecutive turns with the AI not turned completely off could result in technology trades, but it is a very dangerous and uncontrolled means of trading. Any tech gained would be of slim value compared to the damage caused.
_Turns will generate every 26 hours the first 20 turns, 50 hours thereafter. Will extend turns during holidays. For absenses players should try to find someone to cover from them. I will accept emailed turns from a substitute and can manually generage turns in those circumstances if you prefer to not give out your PBW password.

Race Design:

_3000 Racial Points (or 5000 points with special restrictions).
_You may spend 5000 points if one of the following applies:
_A. Take Crystalline and take at least one of the following: 1) Natural merchant ( with a Trader, Merchant or Neutral Culture), 2) Emotionless, 3) Advanced Power Consumption, 4) or Mechanoids.
_B. Crystalline or Psychic race with Lucky as an Advanced Trait. (Makes the trait cost 1000, instead of 1500).
_C. Emotionless races with a Neutral culture.
_D. Take Neutral Culture and three of the following: Advanced Power, Mechanoids, Natural Merchants, Propulsion Experts, or Ancient Race and at least one of the three must be Advanced Power or Mechanoids.

Special Racial Design Rules:

_Organic Races must be Oxygen or Carbon Dioxide
_Only Mechanoid races may take None for air type, but are not required to take None..
_Races taking Advance Storage must take the Zenophobe Culture, Cunning at Pathetic, or a 3000 point Crystalline race.
_All races must take Rock for colonization type.
_No Religious Races

Galactic Rumors (Publishing traits only applies if host decides to play. Will probably not play this one):
At the start of the game, I will put all the races into a one system universe to examine races for compliance. I will start with 3000 points and see which races are above that level. All advanced traits will be published. I will record and publish anything else I note about the other races as I check for compliance. Obviously, 3000 point races will require less scruitiny. I will publish the following information on my own race (if I elect to play in this one - leaning against): Points, Air Type, all Advanced Traits, Culture, and any required trait levels to comply with rules above.
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