Hasslmaster said:
How about this issue for Illwinter: How comes you can't summon devils when all are already taken, but you can sink lots of gems into trying to summon already taken elemental kings. That's a nuisance and an inconsistency. And it could easily be taken care of. It's already taken care of with devils.
This has already been discussed elsewhere in the forum. It is done by design. The purpose is to make one risk a ton of gems for a great and potentially game-turning troop that may or may not be available. It happens for all the commanders that come in limited numbers.
This feature rewards scouting and perhaps teaming. Allied players can tell each other how many they have seen already and whether or not it is worth the risk to try for another one. I have had games where a neighbor who I am at peace with warns me not to try for the third queen as he already lost 50 gems trying.
The only real problem with this is that when an air queen dies and several people try to re-summon it, it is pure luck as to who gets it. There could possibly be a feature to change the odds for this somehow, say, to favor the side that currently has no air queens over the side that has one or two.
It is kind of like the guessing game on how many gems to put into a global to cast or dispel. If the dispel fails, you lose the gems.
I think of it as part of the overall uncertainity and guessing games that makes Dominions work so well.