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Old October 9th, 2004, 08:56 PM
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Stormbinder Stormbinder is offline
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Default Re: The sun will rise in 1 day.

ROFLOL. Thank you Arcahe, you have made my day. Do you think that hiting your opponent with words such as "borderline pathological personality disorder" makes you look very intelligent? Trust me, it doesn't. It only makes you look childish and silly.

I am not going to waste my time on pissing contest with you. I find that observing you spiting lame insults with foam at your mouth is much more amusing.


Perhaps a few more days break to see what we do w/ this? Malt, could you reset the hosting - just stop and restart should do it. When storm changed the hosting Last I thought he had force hosted a new turn, and so I connected and uploaded a completely incomplete turn. thanks.

I have no control over your paranoya Archae. I have already reseted hosting twice, to avoid any stale turns in case other people will want to continue this game. I've also posted about it on the board, twice. You maybe the one to who loves to screw the game for other people, if you don't like something. A small hint for you my friend - don't judge other people by yourself.
Perhaps you should take some anxiety medication, huh?
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