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Old June 26th, 2001, 03:24 AM

Dubious Dubious is offline
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Default Re: PBW \"newbie game\"

I just want to encourage you to continue posting your trials and tribulations as this game progresses. The differences and unique aspects of PBW as experienced by complete novices to the form should prove a very interesting addition to the Strategy Guide. Experienced PBW/PBeM players often lose sight of what they had to adapt to when they first started. They simply don't notice them any more. Not that I want to discourage their comments, it's just we really need to provide a "newbie" view as well.

Only wanted to let you know there is a wider audience than the immediate players. Good luck to all!

"All sources are dubious until their reliabilty has been repeatedly proven. Even then their information should be independently verified." - The unwritten "spooks handbook"

[This message has been edited by Dubious (edited 26 June 2001).]
All sources are dubious until their reliabilty has been repeatedly proven. Even then their information should be independently verified.
- The unwritten spooks handbook
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