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Old October 7th, 2004, 10:53 PM
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Stormbinder Stormbinder is offline
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Default Re: The sun will rise in 1 day.

Maltrease said:
The councile of Marigon has come across a new powerful artififact and the necassary runes to make use of it.

With this power it has been able to take direct control of all nations. You will notice that all wealth and magic gems have been reappropriated to "aid" in our cause.

All independent (other nations) units have been disbanded, and the world has finally taken its first steps towards a Lasting piece.

The world IS a safer place now that Marigon has taken control. Soon we issue a new order explaining all the rights and freedoms you no longer have. Fear not though, you will be able to find all the peace and happiness that you need by worshipping our God.

I understand that some of you may not like this outcome, so the councile has decided to allow anyone to appeal this decision. Simply send a four page essay detailing your objections to Maltrease and he will exclude your from the hostile mind control take over.

The dead line for receiving this essay is 10pm EST on Oct 7, 2004.
LOL. Good roleplaying Maltrease. The fate of these Realms is in your hands now. Good luck!
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