Nagot Gick Fel said:
Try WR-ing one of your own ethereal commanders, the reason why is fully explained in the message you'll get - something along the lines "the attempt was unsuccesful because the whirlwind couldn't get any hold on the incorporeal commander".
Great!!! That means I just wasted all those precious Air Gems for nothing! When casting it on enemy commanders, I just got the report saying: "XYZ has cast wind ride." Nothing more...

And why should I ever try it on my own if I can cloud trapeze anyway...
By 'retreat', I assume you mean they sneaked away to an adjacent province? If so, your Last statement is wrong: they 'retreat' (move) during the normal phase. They were still here when you Trapezed in, only you didn't see them.
No! I meant retreat from the battle that occurred due to CloudTrapezing onto the thugs: The CloudTrapeze triggered a Battle, but my opponent might have forseen something like that, thus his armies where ordered to retreat via
tactical army setup orders (which he can do, since its the turn after the attack of the previously hidden sneaking thugs).
Thus the battle occurs before the thugs could carry out their own ordinary
strategical non-battle orders (provided that they are not casting a spell themselves), but they moved thereby to an adjacent province before the normal movement phase. So what can they do in the normal phase after that combat?
Example: Hideous Hillary is unhidden in province X, ordered to sneak to province Y. Now magically mighty Mike CloudTrapezes onto Hillary in province X and a battle happens at X, but Hillary retreats from the battle to province Z (by any reason, maybe rout). So we know that Z must belong to Hillary's employer. If Y=Z will she be hidden or be visible; and if not, will she still sneak to Y if Z is adjacent to Y? I assume that Hillary will sit unhidden in Z defending it, but I am not sure and this game is obviously full of surprise!
Anyway, thanks for your quite helpful insights so far!