Chazar said:
-WindRide: [...]I think my spells should come first before they are able to hide and sneak away again? Right or wrong?
Depends on the spell. IIRC Wind Ride works on sneakers (I may be wrong), while some other rituals (eg, Seeking Arrow) don't.
I have found someone mentioning that Etherealness is also good for stopping WindRide? Why?
Try WR-ing one of your own ethereal commanders, the reason why is fully explained in the message you'll get - something along the lines "the attempt was unsuccesful because the whirlwind couldn't get any hold on the incorporeal commander".
Are they immune or is it just unlikely?
Do those Magic Penetration Amulets that I already use affect the chances for these ritual-spells at all?
No effect on Wind Ride (this isn't a 'resistable' spell - one of those that reads 'magic resistance negates').
Also, what are the rough chances for WindRide with respect to Size and EarthMagic? (e.g. is it already almost hopeless to target size 4 creatures?, etc.)
Earth @4 should make you immune.
Not sure about size - for some time I believed size 6 was required to get WR immunity, but now I think it's more dependent on HPs than size, or it has changed since the time I tested it. Eg, I remember WR-ing size 4 Jotun Herses (that was in Dom 1), but the size 4 hero Bogus is unaffected by the spell.
-CloudTrapeze: CloudTrapezing onto the sneaking thugs, just after they unhid themselves by attacking, didnt work either, for the thugs were ordered to retreat. What I wonder though is what happens to those retreating thugs orders? They retreat during the magic-phase,
By 'retreat', I assume you mean they sneaked away to an adjacent province? If so, your Last statement is wrong: they 'retreat' (move) during the normal phase. They were still here when you Trapezed in, only you didn't see them.
so would they carry out their orders after the retreat if they can?
Which orders? When you order a stealthy commander to 'sneak', he will hardly do anything but 'hide' on arrival.
Are they even capable of still moving, provided that their former destination is still within reach?
Sure they can.
-MindHunt: Are mindless creatures immune to MindHunt?
Yes. Or at least, they should be.
Or is the only defense an astral mage?
Or high MR. Or Domes.