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Old September 9th, 2004, 06:53 PM
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Default Re: For Primitive: (Dragon*Con)

Katchoo said:
Slynky said:
Now, a test:

Who can identify this star?

She appeared at the con and chatted, took questions, and just had fun. She laughed, got interrupted by calls from her husband, talked about her "famous kegger" and paused for me to take this pic.

I'll give 2 clues: Can you say Buffy or Taken?
Don't know the actress' name, but the character she played on Buffy (& Angel) was Darla, the vampire that sired Angel.
Yep, none other than Darla. I can still hear her voice when she showed back up in Angel... "Hello, lover."

Her name is Julie Benz. Not an actor loaded with lots of credits but nothing to be ashamed of. You can see here. She was a load of fun, making fun of herself, and told us a long story about giving a party for the actors in her class (and trying to attract the instructor, who she married later and has been married to for 6 years). Told another story of how she got "star-struck" when she had to do a scene with "Jack" (Jack Nicholson. For those who follow his impressive career, you know by now that he is simply, "Jack").

She was very friendly, laughed a lot, and hung around after nearly all the other famous people left the "autograph" area and just chatted.

And she did it herself. By that, I mean, no famous father, brother, etc.

I like her.
ALLIANCE, n. In international politics, the union of two thieves who have their hands so deeply inserted in each other's pocket that they cannot separately plunder a third. (Ambrose Bierce)
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