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Old August 27th, 2004, 09:17 AM
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CNCRaymond CNCRaymond is offline
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Default Re: Rant: Evil Doer\'s Strike Again.

I know that your post was not directed at me Will, but I would still like to respond to it if you don�t mind. (If you do mind, well then I apologize now for I am going to respond to it.)

I respect your point of view, and although I do agree with much of what you have to say, I do have some questions for you. I would like to know if you are a specialist on the military, their tactics and capabilities? Are you a political specialist and or annalist? Have you ever been in the white house, or have ever sat in attendance during any of the meetings between Bush and his military advisors? Are you privy to special information that the rest of us are not, or are all your points just your opinion and nothing more?

You see, unless you are in the loop, your out of it. And those out of the look love to speculate and arm chair quarterback the choices of those who are in the loop.

You speak of mistakes that Bush has made. Do you have any written proof from any legitimate source that can cohobate your statements? Are you privy to special information that the rest of us are not? Do you have confirmation that Bush has made mistakes from solid military sources that can be quoted and or verified? Or are you more likely or not basing your statements on your own best assumption of the facts at hand?

Facts at hand that are often not complete, lack vital information, and are most likely from subjective sources. Subjective sources being not directly from the source to which they are reportedly reporting on. More often than not they are little more than hearsay and rumor until cohobated. I see no cohabitation of your contention that Bush has made mistakes, therefore I can only conclude that these mistakes you speak of are little more than your opinion of Bush�s performance. However since you are most likely not a military tactical specialist, and are probably not a political annalist, and have no connection to the leaders of our armed forces, I can only surmise that your opinions that the President has made mistakes lack credibility and are little more than your personal beliefs based not on fact, but on personal observations which lack professional credibility. Welcome to the club.

As for the religious aspects of the Republican Party, I don't know, as I have never really paid much attention to them. All I do know is that they have been under attack lately by people who want the words �In God We Trust,� removed from our currency, and the words �Under God� censored from the Pledge of Allegiance. I have read that many people, namely lesbian woman�s Groups and teenage girls, oppose them because they have a strong stance against abortion. I have no facts to back this up, therefore I will not comment on it. I challenge you to do the same, and produce facts to back up your comments.

My �observations� of the Democratic party is that they fear personal responsibility and have historically voted to limit personal freedoms, write laws to protect us from our freedom of choice, and support the corrupt ambulance chasing actions of trial lawyers and their frivolous lawsuits.

Hell look at what they are doing over the Swift Vote adds right now. The Democrats, specifically Kerry's campaign, have dumped over sixty three million dollars worth of negative adds into the president�s lap, and he watered them without fuss. Now here comes the Swift Vote with there two hundred and fifty thousands dollars worth of ads and Mr. Kerry and his Democrat supporters are crying foul. I really just want to yell, "OH GIVE ME A BREAK MR. KERRY AND SUCK IT UP!"

You see the Kerry people love to dish it out, but can't stand to get it back. Do the math, sixty three million dollars to two hundred and fifty thousand. And now they want a court order to stop these vets right to voice their views. What is Kerry afraid of? Is he afraid that the truth will come out, and that truth will be that he manufactured situations and doctored his reports in order to get medals? I think that that is where this controversy is heading and he and his supporters know this so they want to use the courts, and make law, to prevent those who know the truth from ever telling any one of it. That is what the Democrats do. They whine and boo hoo like spoiled rotten children whenever things don't go their way. They lie, they sue, and they do whatever they can to make the light of truth to go away. Again, this is just based upon my personal observations that just so happen to be shared by a great deal of Americans.

Look at what Gore did in 2000; He sued over the results of the election. Fast-forward to day, and you see Kerry and his camp suing to stop adds that put him and his candidacy for the presidency in jeopardy.

As to the spin doctoring that these men, the Swift Vets, are making things up, well I ask you, why would they? What do they possibly hope to gain? Nothing, they are just American veterans who happened to have served with Kerry and they are telling us that he is not the right man for the job. And if history has ever taught us anything, its to listen to our vets.

The majority of our military and are veterans, as well as their families, support Bush. This tells me two things, one he has their confidence, and Kerry does not, and two, they would rather have a man of proven character in office over that of a man who's character is in question.
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