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Old August 21st, 2004, 10:15 PM
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Lord Kodos Lord Kodos is offline
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Default Re: The Ultimate Mod

Wow. I have not posted here in ages. But I still lurk, like a horrible monster what lurks in the shadows of the night.
Upon his departure, Hadrian entrusted the UM to me, to splice and dice as I see fit. Many of its masterwork images have made it into the LR mod, as have many of its concepts.
What is the LR mod you ask? Allow me to hijack this thread for a moment and explain.
LR Mod, shortly for Space Empires IV: Legacy of the Ra'shrakil, is my epic mod that has many new features, and lots of cool shiny things. Its been in production for ages, primarily due to my ungodly laziness, but the latest Version is good to go as soon as I test it.
Now then, back to the UM.
The UM was never completed. I have access only to what was publically released. I never had, nor do I now have, access to any "Secret" data or art files.
Now, on to the subject of a UM Re-Release. LR, in many ways, builds upon the UM1, and takes ideas from what was known of the UM2. I do not think Hadrian would want the UM being re-released in its original form, considering how he had it removed, and I will not go against his wishes.
So, in closing, to those of you who have the UM: Congratulations, you own a piece of SE history. To those of you who dont: Sorry. Look forward to LR.
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