What is the difference between the various spells that make you unlikely to be hit: Awe, Glamor, Displacement, Mirror image? Awe says people will not attack you -- so they will attack other units, right? Glamour says they'll have trouble facing you -- does this just mean an increase in Defense? Displacement says you're shifted from your apparent position: again, just a Defense increase? Mirror image -- they'll likely hit your image, not you, right? Ethereal Mist Form and Luck are similar, but just give you a % chance to be missed, right? Does anyone know the sequence these are tested? Any others?
Thanks! Merry
This is my knowledge of how things work so far, but I may be wrong (DAMN the borked search function of the forum!)
- Awe: If a unit fails a morale roll, it loses its attack (will not attack someone else).
- Glamour: Free Mirror Image (plus increased stealth, but this is not battlefield-relevant)
- Mirror Image: If you have 3 mirror images up, there is a 33% chance that *you* will be hit and a 33% chance each that one of your MIs will get hit; in the latter case, that MI disappears (hence next turn: 50/50 you/MI). I *think* that if you get hit, your MIs dissapear, but dunno.
- Displacement: where, what? Is this from Chain Mail of Displacement? I dont know, but it *looks* like CMoD gives you Free Mirror Image
Hope that helps! Correct me if I am wrong!