June 22nd, 2004, 07:43 PM
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Re: No virgins under the sea?
Originally posted by MCArt:
You can't blood hunt in sea provinces, I think.
Of course you can't. Think about it: blood hunting is the search and capture of virginal human females. Just how many human females, virginal or otherwise, do you really expect to find underwater (and I mean, underwater, not skinny-dipping at the beach)? Clue: none. Same reason you cannot sacrifice the poor, hapless girls at sea. They'd drown long before you reached the battlefield. Blood slaves aren't troops (they're *objects* -- I'll refrain from my usual tirade about the inequities of all that entails), and as such they cannot be the target of global spells or magical effects that permit water entry.
This one is so obvious I cannot help but wonder at why it comes as a surprise to some people ... 