Thread: Arcoscophile
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Old May 9th, 2004, 05:27 AM

Norfleet Norfleet is offline
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Default Re: Arcoscophile

Originally posted by LintMan:
Originally posted by Blitz:
Oh did you know that your priestesses can heal on the move? Set them to heal and move the army. They will work fast and do their healing before the strategos wake the mammoths up. This is a nice move to do say just before you search and then make a temple.
I meant to ask about this before... does this really work? If you set the priestess to heal, and then move her, her order changes to "move". Are you sure she heals on the move?
I think what he meant is that priestesses can set up walk-in outpatient clinics: The armies don't have to spend the entire turn there, they just have to pass through, since the healing phase occurs before the movement phase.
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