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Old May 4th, 2004, 06:08 PM

Norfleet Norfleet is offline
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Default Re: SCs other than the vq

Originally posted by Nagot Gick Fel:
He's great to soften the opposition a bit (or a lot) though. Cloud Trapeze in with the Phoenix, do as much havoc as you can, move an army in the same turn to collect the spoils while the Phoenix is back home, rinse & repeat.
You can cloud trapeze into the target province on the same turn you have an army scheduled to move in: Cast something fun, like Wrathful Sky. Observe carnage. Move in to mop-up with regular troops when the Bird Boy bites it.

The Phoenix's advantage is that he can affordably purchase either a Fire or Air-9 bless, both of which are useful blessings as well as potent paths for battle magic (unless you're trying to use fire against Abysia), and his immortality allows him to be used as a kamikaze fighter. The VQ's immortality is a safety net: The Phoenix's immortality is a modus operandi: If you're not dying a lot, you're probably missing the point. Wrathful Sky the crap out of things, then blow up on them with Phoenix Pyre.
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