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Old May 4th, 2004, 08:08 PM
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Default Re: Dev Thinking on Balance?

Originally posted by Graeme Dice:
Originally posted by Jasper:
I don't think she is. She can be good, but there are others at least as good.
There aren't any that are as low risk though, or that can get out the door as fast. With mistform, mirror image, quickness, ironskin, and breath of winter she can conquer any independent province I've seen regardless of strength.
Isnt that true of most gods you add those to?

is everyone going to keep adding up her pluses or are there suggestions what to do about her? Make her more expensive? After all, she is still just one piece. there are alot of single pieces in the game that can kick tail but that wont win anything but a tiny game.

If the VQ is banished by priests does she still return? (maybe have been covered, sorry if I missed it being mentioned)

Isnt she susceptable to the same routing problem as other gods?
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