Re: Need ideas for new pretenders.
this has prolly been suggested several times before, but ill just bring it up again.
id like to see a giant decaying brain as a pretender.
a brain that once belonged to some kind of monstrous intelligent whale that was realizin that his death was imminent. so it developed all kindsa *abilities*.
like magic and stuff.
so, this whale then extracted his own brain magically from his dieing physical body and by means of unholy rituals preserved it in an endlessly rotting state.
the pretender-brain would be immobile and only half-conscious.
only every second (or so) turn could be played becaus of its lack of consciousness.
and the rotten smell of the pretender would turn away like half of his total forces and 80% of the forces in his province EVERY TURN.
that would mean that the player playing the pretender would have to really focus on recruiting large amounts of new forces every turn.
what do you guys think? o_O
wouldnt that be like real fun ??!