Re: Going down in style
If you really want to go down in style, the most important part of going down in style is to ALWAYS FIGHT TO THE BITTER, BLOODY END.
It can actually be harder and more expensive than it sounds, or is even worth, to entirely annihilate you even after you no longer pose a direct threat: As such, he may end up devoting his attentions elsewhere, and allow you to hang on as a persistent thorn in his side. The added annoyance may eventually bring about his downfall. It may even eventually hand you victory, if you hang on tenaciously and long enough.
As I've said before, a victory by refusal to admit defeat is still a victory nonetheless. While total victory is always nice, you can still win through skillful application of guerrilla tactics and simply push your opponent beyond his level of tolerance for pain and frustration. It's worked throughout history, and as a general rule of thumb, it's safe to say that guerrillas usually win guerrilla wars. Make this work for you, not against you.