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Old March 11th, 2004, 10:30 AM
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Default Re: Going down in style

Originally posted by Taqwus:
Say, under Astral Corruption -- now that Dispel is a ritual,is the price of failure the risk of being eaten by a horror?
Not really a concern. If he can cast Dispel, he can cast Returning.

To the OP: Astral Corruption isn't really damaging to Arco, as most Arco's mage can easily evade Horrors when casting rituals etc. It will only cost him half a dozen pearls a turn or so. And maybe a few mages in the turn the AC is cast, before he realizes what's up. I even doubt Arco will try to dispel your GE. I'm sorry for you, but I have no good idea to propose as an alternative, bar harassing him with HfH and such.
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