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Old March 9th, 2004, 09:18 AM

Alarik Alarik is offline
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Default Scotty I need more power!

I am trying to play on a Sony Viao laptop with a Pentium III and I didn't figure I would have any problems but am finding it too slow to realistically play. ( It takes almost a minute to move the map even one click) The battles completely freeze me out. I did download the patch. I saw you guys talking about drivers and dx9. Not sure if DX 9 is on my computer yet unless it comes with the game. I'm assuming I really could use some new drivers but want to make sure I get the right one as I don't want to have any big problems with a computer I use for other things. Wish I was more tech savvy about these kinds of things and could really use some help. Thank you in advance to any good samaritans I may find on this internet highway.
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