March 9th, 2004, 01:30 AM
Join Date: Sep 2003
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Re: OT: Will anyone ever create a game...
Originally posted by Argitoth:
Will anyone ever create a game in which fighting is not the only fun thing to do? (specifically MMORPGs or wargames focused on city-buidling)
I haven't seen a single game where warring is not the only fun thing to do. I'd like to see a game where you actually have a choice to just build a city or delve in the economy system.
I know why this is nearly impossible, because you really don't get anywhere by doing this. It's like living to live. When you are warring, it is living to survive which is a lot more meaningful.
what are your thoughts on this? if you can understand what I am saying.
I don't understand...
They're the minority but they exist, such as Simcity, Rail Tycoon, Sims, business simulator like Capitalism, various MUSH that focus more on role-playing...
[ March 08, 2004, 23:31: Message edited by: ywl ]