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Old February 21st, 2004, 01:50 AM

Hawkmoon Hawkmoon is offline
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Default Re: New Ulm Pretender ?

Well...definitely looks like there is enough interest to grab K and J's attention at least. I have no idea what a "fair" statline would be for such a Knight Commander nor would I have a clue as to what "powers" to give him, I just know that I want one dangit...heh heh heh. And again...not really interested in modding the game...I don't think we're out of line asking for a new Pretender in a future patch. Making a new Pretender has to be far less arduous than making a whole new theme, you think ? Then again, I'm sure they have better things to do other than modify their product for the sake of a few squeaky hinges...never hurts to ask though, right ?
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