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Old February 22nd, 2004, 07:31 AM

Peter Ebbesen Peter Ebbesen is offline
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Default Re: Niefel AAR: "...Some Say In Ice"

�Some Say In Ice: Things Fall Apart, the Centre Cannot Hold

The prowess of my Niefel Guard knows no limits! Most are suffering from three or four afflictions now, including the dreaded disease, yet they soldier on! Tjordulf claims it is because of the fresh mountain air, which is as likely an explanation as any.

If only the Jotuns were half as tough. Casualties have been brutal.

It is nigh on a year since the destruction of Caelum�s ten-score archers in the accidental battle of Angkor Wat, but the months have cost my cause dearly. Perceiving weakness, the ordered hoplites of Arcosphaele declared war and invaded following the debacle of Angkor Wat, and the swift winged blizzard warriors of Caelum have struck into my newly conquered lands of Siberia.

My worshippers are down to a total of four temples again, due to the unfortunate habit of mine enemies to raze them to the ground. Only the temples within castles still stand tall and strong. It is most vexing.

While my capital holds yet, all lines of communication have been cut, the outer line of defense wiped out. The 30-strong provincial defense backed up by Jotun Godes proved insufficient to the task of halting the hoplites. My capital will hold, though, as it�s defense is backed by Godes and Niefel Guards. Even so, I am under severe pressure, as even Ultima Thule is under attack by the High Seraphs!

Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold.

With a minor force holding Angkor Wat, I have had to strategically regroup back to Hebei, where Angerboda�s newest brood of monsters are ready to be thrown into the fray together with Jotun reinforcements. She now has two Sea Trolls, 2 Lamia Queens, and a Spectre aiding her in the unnatural conjuration process, and new monsters arrive on a daily basis. I will regroup, aye, and I will take every soldier and throw my forces like a spear straight and true into the Heart of Caelum, the secret Fastness in the depths of the Himalayas. I will not be denied: They shall learn to fear my wrath, for it is great indeed.

Arcosphaele will just have to wait their turn.
When I said Death before Dishonour, I meant alphabetically.
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