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Old February 16th, 2004, 01:01 AM

Peter Ebbesen Peter Ebbesen is offline
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Default Re: Niefel AAR: "...Some Say In Ice"

Trekking south through the verdant Mammoth Forest of the South Siberian Highlands, the army turns to the south-east and invades Baikal, home of two-score midget-infantry.

They fall before the might of the Jotuns, and I congratulate Tjodulf of his excellent leadership as the Last fleeing midgets are crushed by his two soldiers of Niefel, who outpace all those, who would attempt to escape my implacable wrath.

As I survey the bLasted battlefield, I see pale banners streaming in the wind from the hills to the South-East in Wei and to the North-East in the Yablonovy Range. There are many banners, and drums making a racous noise. From the stench and the noise, it is estimated that at least 50-60 midgets defend each province.

The peasants of this province are only too pleased to tell the import of this view. The banners belong to the Tien Chi, a once proud nation overrun and conquered by vicious Barbarian Kings, who now rule from ashen thrones where once the philosopher-kings ruled, aye, even the Throne of Heaven in Hebei itself. Unmatched in battle, they ride domesticated beasts and utilise powerful bows. None could stand against them during the conquest, and now their word is law.

Invincible midgets? What is the world coming to. With several neutral provinces to the South-West, and both to the East and West of my Siberian capital, my course is clear.

I organise a local defense under the command of a Jotun Herse, and give Tjordulf the order: We march to Tien Chi and the Throne of Heaven itself.

[ February 15, 2004, 23:02: Message edited by: Peter Ebbesen ]
When I said Death before Dishonour, I meant alphabetically.
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