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Old February 15th, 2004, 05:57 PM

Peter Ebbesen Peter Ebbesen is offline
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Default Niefel AAR: "...Some Say In Ice"

�Some Say In Ice: An Introduction

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
- Robert Frost

It is the chipping of the ice that awakens me in the end, I guess. A small matter, perhaps, yet one that interferes with my solitude. For ages I have sat on my Frozen Throne encased in ice as the affairs of the world pass without my ken. Encased � or imprisoned? I may never know. The ice sheathed me like my mother�s womb and I knew peace in my long sleep. Whether I was the victim of capricious nature or of the deliberate malice of an envious god I know not, but my fate was sealed and my internment eternal, or very nearly so. My throne, my kingdom, my people, all lost to the aeons, victims of time�s arrow.

That is no longer the case.

The ceaseless work of the small Jotuns has born fruit at Last. Driven by the law and will of their high mages, the Skrattis, these miniscule descendants of the race of giants have been chipping away at my prison for centuries, tunnelling through the ice as they seek the Frozen Throne. A brief period of time, perhaps, but though small in stature they are tireless in their dedication and, at Last, at long Last, they reach the throne�

And awaken me.

The world is hot, so hot, and the race of giant-kin diminished when I open my eyes on the world that is. Heat has triumphed! I feel an anger freezing in my heart as I stretch forth my wrathful dominion over the willing Jotuns, in Siberia and in Ultima Thule, and I let my voice ring with the rising gale. By my will, I fashion the tools needed to reawaken my lesser brethren and give them into the hands of the willing Skrattis. The Niefel giants will walk the earth once more and together we will make of this world a frozen globe. And if, in the fullness of time, I manage to reawaken the Rimtursar, then the world shall know peace as was meant to be.

This time, the world will end in ice, and it will be� Final.

First things must come first, however, and I need lieutenants as well as reawakening my magical skills, sorely drained by the passage of time. By my will the Jotuns release Tjodulf from his sleep to serve me as he did in ages past, and I make of Tjodulf my Prophet, my WORD to the small Jotuns and the midgets who infest the world. From the depths of the forest Angerboda, Mother of Monsters, Doyenne of Witches, the Great Hag, joins me of her own free will, and I set her the task of seeking out sites of magic.

After four turns of the clock of reason, I have once against mastered the most essential evocation and can bLast my enemies with ice, and I set forth with Tjodulf and his men to conquer. With two true Niefel giants and sixteen lesser Jotuns under Tjodulf�s command, and with my guard of winter wolves, our army is surely stronger than anything the midgets of the world can hope to counter.

We march south, the ice flowing in my wake, and into destiny. Who knows what challenges the future will bring?

World War Scenario with 16 impossible AIs, and�

Peter Magus the Son of Niefel
Water 9, Dominion 5, Niefelheim, Fortified City.
Order 3, Production 1, Cold 3, Growth 3, Luck 0, Drain 3

(Note: Sliders optimised for storytelling, not necessarily efficiency)
When I said Death before Dishonour, I meant alphabetically.
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