February 14th, 2004, 04:42 PM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: Question on Maps
Is Aran the only map that does not have computer players allready stuck in the game? Every other map that I start has computer players allready in there. I would like to play a map that is bigger than Aran and >I< pick the RACES that are in the game and not have extra ones in there.
Orania doesnt, although Orania War does.
The only other map thats a good size that doesnt have preset rules and computer players in there is Inland, but its a wrap around.
I dont like wraparound either but its been so long since I played the original map set that I dont remember which ones do or dont.
Map Editor,
I loaded Inland, turned off Wrap Around, saved it under a differnt name. It doesnt show up though on pick a game to play. How do I get this map to play ?
That doesnt work so well. The "wraparound" only changes whether you can scroll the map past the borders. The neighbor commands decide if armies can move tht way. Those are usually way to hard to bother editing. But if it doesnt show up on the choices then Id ask, did you change the dom2title line to something else? Did you save the map file back ask just ascii text? (it seems to automatically skip anything it cant read properly)
How do you get/change trees and terain on the map editor? Do I need to buy photo/paint shop or what ever its called ?
You dont have to buy anything but you will probably have to get something. The paint program that came with your operating system can be used but you might have to download a program to convert the images in and out of the TGA image format. The devs themselves use a free (but very powerful) paint program called GIMP but its not easy to learn. There are various other options.
This game has every thing, except one thing, a random map generator. It seems, the maps that came with the game are for some one elses style of play.
There is one but its a 3rd party one being worked on by some of the players who can do C code. The results are playable, but kindof ugly. Good for really large maps though since making those manually would take forever.
There are also other generators such as the ones that come with GIMP which make prettier images but take more work to turn them into maps for the game.
Since you mention other games... could you maybe check them to see if any can create maps that are kindof close to what we use? I keep thinking that there HAS to be one in my collection that can make maps for this game with some simple conVersions. Or that we can at least steal good trees, mountains, water from. I hate the idea of just diving into my collection (Im highly allergic to dust and since Dom1 those things have just sat there)
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