Re: aar details to be determined
My AAR turn Posts are clearly labelled as turns, to set them off from other Posts in the thread.
AStott's AAR is fine, and very informative. I was aiming for something a tad less dry, closer to what Tacticus has been doing. Something that has most of Stott's level of detail, but presented more literarily. I'm sorry that you find it confusing or boring.
Dominion is a scale of 1 to 10. It requires no great leap of imagination to equate a ten-point scale with percentages. But you are correct that changing the phrasing from 1-10 to percentages may well confuse some newbies.
I just wish you'd made these comments in my AAR thread, days ago when I'd started, before you gave up. It's hard to know that someone dislikes something if they don't speak up.