I would also like to chime in with congratulations for Arryn on this wonderful AAR. The rp'ing ones are nice, but sometimes (especially for us new players) the pure strategy element is nice.
I'm thinking of starting a newbie AAR (i.e. an AAR from a completely acknowledged neophyte) in the hope that I can get pointers in the middle of the game that might prompt some good strategy commentary from the experienced crowd... something like a 'simulator' run in a more advanced setting, with the older players (and I mean more experienced

) acting as the training officers.
If it would work as planned, I would imagine it could be a good read for new players.
Also, Arryn, with the risk of making this go even slower, I'm thinking of the possibilities of explaining more often why you are doing certain things. Personally, I haven't looked at the screenshots, but I think I'm going to need to so as to fully comprehend the situation, tho I'm learning the Orania map quite well, actually.
Anyways, good job, and keep it coming.
I'll post more often now that I've read the whole thing. It's taken me a week or more of hit-and-run reading to finish this!