Turn #40, Summer of Year 4
Cat and mouse.
Part 1 of 2
This month, no travellers bring word from afar of events in distant lands.
Rimdriva's Acashic Record ritual upon Imictan reveals two magical sites: another Sun Ridge (2 fire gems), and a Mercury Pond (2 water gems).
Vanheim summons a score of Black Hawks using the ritual Call of the Winds to attack Agenor. No harm, no fowl.
Bove, commanding 26 Jotuns, attacks the Ulmish plains of Wold, along with the priest named Erkeborn (carrying a Sceptre of Authority and with a bodyguard of one vine ogre and one Jotun axeman). The Ulmish defense consists of a commander of Ulm, a priest (PD), a master smith, 4 fanatics, 15 clockwork horrors, 5 crossbowmen (PD), and 8 sappers. The Jotuns, with ease, sweep away everything that stands in their way. By the end of the battle, only two sappers manage to elude Bove and his compatriots. The jubilant giants celebrate their victory by dismantling an Ulmish temple for a rock-throwing contest. Erkeborn discovers a Pool of Sanctity (1 water gem) while looking for a place to meditate.
My prophet Grymis, commanding 25 Jotuns, plus a bodyguard of one Jotun axeman, attacks the Ulmish forest-covered mountains of Kratas. The Ulmish defense consists of a commander, a priest (PD), a master smith, 2 black knights, 3 black plate infantry (flail), 9 infantry of Ulm (flail), 6 heavy infantry, 15 clockwork horrors, 5 crossbowmen, 5 crossbowmen (PD). The knights and horrors move forward to engage the giants while all the Ulmish armored troops remain at their rear guarding their priest and commander. After dispatching the resilient horsemen, and the horrors (who kill two of my giants in a small swarm of repeated blows), the Jotuns advance directly to the Ulmish rear, hot with vengeance for their fallen brothers. Tough as the Ulmish troops may be they are no match for Jotuns, and it does not take long before the giants are able to thrust forward and skewer the enemy leaders cowering behind their armored soldiers. The nearness of some woods at the rear of the field allows 1 black plate infantryman, 7 infantry of Ulm, 5 heavy infantrymen, and 3 crossbowmen to escape. Grymis instructs his Jotuns to construct a burial cairn for the fallen out of the masonry of an Ulmish temple they find.
A Mictlani force comprised of a tribal king, 6 warriors, and 20 slaves attacks Vanheim in Clon. The defense consists of a herse (PD), 4 huskarls (PD), 4 light infantry, 1 archer, and 1 crossbowman. The Mictlani easily rout the Vans to conquer the province. But the Mictlani occupation is very brief ...
Commander Ualgo (carrying a Sceptre of Authority), with 19 Jotuns plus a bodyguard of one vine ogre and one Jotun axeman, plus the priests Albrecht and Geiserek (each carrying Sceptres of Authority and with one vine ogre apiece as bodyguards), attacks Clon. The Mictlani rout very quickly, and only their tribal king along with four of his warriors manage to escape the rapidly pursuing Jotuns.
It is unfortunate that Mictlan chose this month, the same time as I, to attack Clon. I can only hope that since Mictlan is fully engaged in our joint war with Vanheim, having just been struck by the strong Van army that just retook Ragdan, that they will choose not to try to retake Clon or otherwise attempt to cause me trouble over our unintentional clash.
Rod the Firbolg, leading a company of 18 Jotun spearmen and a bodyguard of 5 vine ogres, along with seven priests attacks Vanheim's province of Betane. The defense musters only 1 herse (PD), 15 black hawks, and 5 huskarls (PD). Six of the birds and all of the PD are slain. A Glen of Verdant Greenery (1 nature gem) is discovered while chasing the fleeing Vans.
My wyrm Jorgun attacks the Ulmish province of Arnbeg. Ulm musters a defense of 1 commander, 1 priest (PD), 1 guardian, 4 infantry of Ulm (w/shields), 6 barbarians, 3 sappers, 16 slingers, and 3 crossbowmen (PD). Jorgun dines upon a total of 1 commander, 1 priest, 3 infantry of Ulm, 5 barbarians, and 2 slingers, with the remainder of the Ulmish troops fleeing in abject terror.
Ulm counterattacks into my province of Ultima Typhia with a force of 1 commander of Ulm, 2 black plate infantry (w/shields), 1 black plate infantry (flail), 5 infantry of Ulm, 4 heavy infantry, 1 amazon, 3 crossbowmen, and 1 archer against my score of Jotun militia PD, led by a Jotun Jarl (PD) and Jotun Herse (PD). The only Ulms to survive and flee back into the mountains whence they came are 3 heavy infantrymen, and the four missile troops. The PD suffers a loss of 3 Jotun militia, who are immediately replaced by fresh volunteers.
Swanuth the Firbolg, in command of 20 Jotun spearmen and 8 vine ogres, attacks the independent plains province of Isurian, defended by 3 mounted commanders, 2 heavy cavalry, 8 light cavalry, and 12 fanatics. The only indy survivors, who flee never to be seen again, are a mounted commander, 3 light cavalrymen, and 4 fanatics.
One of my scouts in Ulmish territory is discovered while moving into the coastal province of Lish and is killed while attempting to elude pursuit.
This month I have expanded my realm by a half-dozen provinces, razing two Ulmish temples and depriving Vanheim of yet one more magical site in the process, and slain a number of Ulm's costly armored troops, as well as two of their precious master smiths, at a cost of only 2 Jotun spearmen lost.
Yet despite this success I am troubled, for Ulm still threatens my northern provinces, from Herghendorf to the Well, with three separate threescore-strong armies, any of which might overwhelm my provincial defenders by sheer weight of numbers. My greatest advantage, should they counterattack before my mobile forces can crush them, is the resiliency of my Jotuns in battle, for my troops are stronger, tougher, and more motivated than those of my foes.
Of greater concern than Ulm's three armies are two even larger armies from Vanheim. A fourscore-strong Van force has taken the Atlantian mountains of Nifel, just southwest of Man, and I expect that they will soon fall upon the fortress of Man. Atlantis will no doubt retaliate against Vanheim, but not before the Vans have made much mischief for me. More dangerous still is the fivescore-strong Van army of light troops at the Pillar of the World, poised to recapture Beltane and perhaps move to rampage in the wastes to the east of Man, or worse, link up at Man with the army from Nifel. These two Van armies are without a doubt suffering from massive starvation, but they remain dangerous nonetheless.
I am playing a game of cat and mouse with my enemies, yet I am unsure who is the cat and who is the mouse.
Turn #40 overview (1174x1002)
My researchers expect to achieve mastery of the fourth level of Alteration and the eighth level of Construction by the end of the month.
My realm has:
- ___9 Dominion max.
- __24 Temples
- __45 Provinces converted
- 1101 Treasury.
- 1997 Income. (+227)
- _666 Upkeep. (+2)
- 34 Provinces controlled
- Isurian: Dom=1, PD=0, Unr=7
- Saeborea: Dom=6, PD=20, Unr=5
- Jotunheim: Dom=9, PD=25, Unr=0
- Zenthra: Dom=7, PD=20, Unr=2
- Eribon: Dom=4, PD=10, Unr=0
- Gwyrth: Dom=8, PD=17, Unr=0
- Iron Range: Dom=8, PD=10, Unr=0
- Saetica: Dom=4, PD=20, Unr=0
- Black Alps: Dom=8, PD=10, Unr=0
- Rim Mountains: Dom=2, PD=20, Unr=0
- Ancyrna: Dom=6, PD=20, Unr=0
- The Promised Land: Dom=2, PD=20, Unr=0
- Bel: Dom=4, PD=10, Unr=0
- Ashikaga: Dom=4, PD=20, Unr=0
- Pythium: Dom=8, PD=10, Unr=0
- Barra: Dom=6, PD=20, Unr=0
- Robber Home: Dom=4, PD=20, Unr=0
- Hoburgdorf: Dom=7, PD=20, Unr=0
- Man: Dom=4, PD=20, Unr=0
- Feral Woods: Dom=9, PD=10, Unr=0
- Ultima Typhia: Dom=8, PD=20, Unr=1
- Agenor: Dom=1, PD=10, Unr=0
- Kepess: Dom=4, PD=20, Unr=0
- Melma: Dom=5, PD=20, Unr=0
- Well of All Waters: Dom=9, PD=13, Unr=0
- Arnbeg: Dom=4, PD=0, Unr=15
- Herghendorf: Dom=3, PD=20, Unr=0
- Imictan: Dom=5, PD=20, Unr=0
- Gipha: Dom=2, PD=20, Unr=0
- Betane: Dom=-1, PD=0, Unr=10
- Ivenmoor: Dom=1, PD=20, Unr=0
- Clon: Dom=-1, PD=0, Unr=11
- Kratas: Dom=0, PD=0, Unr=9
- Wold: Dom=-3, PD=0, Unr=10
Gem income is:
- +10 Fire (18)
- +_7 Air (10)
- +14 Water (22)
- +_7 Earth (14)
- +25 Astral (24) (includes 18 Clams)
- +_3 Death (10)
- +12 Nature (11)
Magical knowledge (stars denote schools being researched):
- 7-Conjuration
- 3-Alteration*
- 7-Evocation
- 7-Construction*
- 6-Enchantment
- 5-Thaumaturgy
- 0-Blood Magic
- 342 RPs (of 408 available at labs)
To be continued in Part 2 ...
[ March 19, 2004, 04:43: Message edited by: Arryn ]