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Old March 15th, 2004, 06:25 AM
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Originally posted by Norfleet:
I can see your lab building habits don't closely resemble mine at all, then.

I like to keep labs within easy reach, because that way, my SC can simultaneously serve as a fast-response force to any such emergencies that crop up. The rest state of my SCs tends to always be at/near a lab, where I'm free to teleport/trapeze into any hotspot that requires attention. You probably view labs as something you build only for research and mage production. I tend to see them more as airbases.
I normally don't play SCs, and it shows. BTW, I do build labs as "forward airbases", but typically 5-10 turns further into the game than I presently am, and likely not near to the degree that you do. I'm sure my approach thus far has been sub-optimal. It is, even by my own standards. I am, after all, still learning. OTOH, I'm also probably more risk-averse than you may be.
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