Thread: 17 races?
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Old January 3rd, 2004, 03:16 AM

Lord Hammer Lord Hammer is offline
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Default Re: 17 races?

Originally posted by Cthulu13:

b.t.w. - why is this game so hard to find? Best Buy doesn't carry it, neither does Amazon, Comp USA, or EB Games. Its very annoying...
It's made by an independent developer only available from Shrapnel Games. Lots of "classic" games are brought to us this way, just cause it's not in a game store says nothing of the product .17 races?...It would take a book to describe them all here but if you browse the forum and related links from the game website you'll find lots of info . I have been playing this beloved game since release and i only know 2 or 3 races well , that's how MUCH there is to it!
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