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Old January 12th, 2004, 05:49 PM
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Default Re: AranMP game (renamed)

Originally posted by Wendigo:
Originally posted by ywl:
Let's get somebody take over me. A few turns of substitute will be very unfair to the replacement player.
Why unfair? I have temporarily substituted, and been substituted myself NP. The key here is getting a sub that actually likes playing the nation in question. Contacting old opponents from previous games is a good way to do this.

Then you take the sub with the good & the bad, what he does is well done, regardless of whether it succeeds or you would have done something else...heck, sometimes the sub can even make a better show than the original player, or teach some tricks (has definitely happened to me), and comentting strategy/tactics is fun.

Whatever you decide we'll do, just don't be taken back from a temporary replacement, you can even keep your sub posted afterwards on the progress of the game, and have him still partake on your playing.

Besides, we are slowing down already to 4-5 turns/week, so it will be less turns than it would have been a couple weeks ago.

Pepe [/QB]

I've been sub and seen sub before. He basically can't really make many major decision other than filling in the recruiting queue or allocating research points. At this stage, major war will occur any turn. So, if it's going to be on the hand of the other person, it's better that he know that he can make all the decisions (and suffer all the consequence ).

The point is more it's easier for me to get a replacement in such a short period than a sub.

Did you get my email about Rabe?

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