Re: AranMP game (renamed)
S Cherry, Ywl, Sammual & T Longhorn, I will need a working e-mail address to go on.
Pls board mail me with it or e-mail me to gualteiro2 at
If any of you can provide a server now it's the time to say it, create the game on the previous terms & either post here or mail me with the IP & port.
T Longhorn is at GMT-5. I am at GMT +1 and I guess Patrik & Nerfix are at similar timezones.
If we have players in Asia the only time that might work for a blitz start this Sunday would be around afternoon GMT time (which translates into USA morning & Asia night time). But this might not work with players in further diverging time zones as USA West coast or Australia. Anyway, pls confirm all if Sunday GMT 2:00PM would work for you people.
[ November 29, 2003, 06:20: Message edited by: Wendigo ]