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Old June 21st, 2004, 08:20 PM

HJ HJ is offline
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Default Re: Dominions II Bug Thread

Originally posted by LintMan:

I did see it work correctly one time, which I belive was the one time I had a bunch of leftover death gems that I hadn't spent. (I usually spend nearly all of them every turn). So my suspicion is that the game is checking the cost of the spell vs my current gem total, prior to adding in the new gem income. So maybe it sees I have 0 death gems, and cancels the monthly ritual without factoring in that I actually have 40 gems for that month. Just a theory.
In my experience, if you spend all your gems of the kind needed for the monthly ritual, the caster reverts to defend at the start of the next turn. So, for it to work, you basically need to have leftover gems sufficient for all monthly ritual casters to use if you want them all to stay on monthly orders.
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