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Old January 31st, 2004, 06:17 PM

Otter Otter is offline
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Default Re: New Patch - Fatally Flawed - I give up

What scattering armor foes? Only the Abbidon use it and I never have reason to fight them. I have to agree with Vortex - the game has become seriously unbalanced. No, make that fatally unbalanced. Not as bad a flaw as MOO3 but still a complete buzz kill none the less. A fun diVersion gone so frustratingly difficult as to not only completely discourage playing but to have the even more chilling effect of negative word of mouth and lost sales. If it takes even a month to fix this gaff, I predict the patient will be as moribund as the MOO3 forum. Come to think of it, this board is pretty much dead already. Maybe the less literate, motivated, or hopeful have already voted with their silence.

[ January 31, 2004, 16:49: Message edited by: Otter ]
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