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Old January 30th, 2004, 10:08 AM

Vortex Vortex is offline
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Default Re: New Patch - Fatally Flawed - I give up

Originally posted by Phoenix-D:
A thought..had you modifed any of the data files? If you are using pre-patch files for some of them, SF might be acting strange because it's not finding all the lines its expecting. The tests below were on Expert, BTW.
No. Game was exactly as installed plus 1.08 patch.

The single hit was from a level 16 iconic missile.

As regards the PD. Its broken. Sometimes 1 incoming missile, not even taken out - especially if you're turning.

Its always the case if you fire 2 missiles from >60ls at any AI ship with PD it will shoot down both missiles. If it fires 2 missiles at you 1 will always hit.
If you fire 2 missiles from <20ls the AI will always shoot 1 down. If the AI fires 2 missiles from <40ls they both hit.

That's the point of having multiple PD's installed. Except there's no point because they all fire at the same target.

Try the tests stationary as if you'd been hit by two iconic missiles.

[ January 30, 2004, 08:16: Message edited by: Vortex ]
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