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Old January 30th, 2004, 01:14 AM

Vortex Vortex is offline
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Default New Patch - Fatally Flawed - I give up

I'm sorry guys but any good will I had for Malfador has now gone completely, and I'll no longer be recommending anyone buy their games.

I thought I'd do a little more testing of the missile/point defense/iconic impact problem. So I swapped my high energy multiplier for an ionic disperser and went looking for a fight. I was also paying more attention to who was launching what and how many - much easier to do with only a single pirate cruiser to fight.

So sure enough in she comes, drops a pair of ionic missiles, my PD takes out 1 and the other hits home. Thats 70% of my engine capacity gone! Oh and neither of my missiles hit - both taken out by the cruisers PD. Just to note the cruiser fired both the ionics at 120ls I fired mine at 60 so at least 1 should have hit home.

I let the cruiser slide past and hit it with the disperser - no tangible effect. She makes a few more passes and I tag her about 5 more times before it has any noticable effect.

Then an nice Abbidon Cruiser appears along with a second pirate cruiser. I watch as the Abbidon cruiser takes 4 ionic missiles with NO effect.

Anyway having the cruiser about means my engines recover a bit and I can help dispatch the pirates. I also notice that the pirates AI only ever tags 1 of the Abbidon cruiser's missiles when fired from close range. It can also fire then at about three times the rate I can - interesting eh!

I then decide to check my player profile - the one that used to have resistance to lots of things. Guess what - they're all now zero.

So I'll not be playing any more as I don't see the point. I don't have another 30 or so hours to work through campaign 1 again on Expert level, and without a viable point defense or a capability of getting any missiles past pirate defenses there's no point in trying.

I guess I'll go play Cossack's or Total War or something that's enjoyable to play.
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