August 28th, 2003, 07:53 PM
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Re: Estimated System Reqs?
Originally posted by Akachaki:
I have a 466 celeron with a plenty of RAM and a voodoo 3 16mb, does anyone know if the game will run on my system ?
We have a beta tester running it on a 333 Mhz PII with 128 MB if I recall correctly. It's been a while since we discussed our system specs. He was only getting 10 fps as I recall. If you call that playable I guess it's ok. I'm getting 20-24 fps on an 800 Mhz Duron with 512 MB. I think it's preferable to have at least a 1 Ghz CPU myself. Not very expensive these days. (In fact, I just purchased a 1.33 Ghz Athlon XP to upgrade my current system... $43!)
[ August 28, 2003, 18:54: Message edited by: Baron Munchausen ]