Thread: Fighter Bug?
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Old December 14th, 2000, 09:54 PM

Maximus Maximus is offline
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Default Re: Fighter Bug?

Originally posted by Psitticine:
The changes are coming so fast that it's getting tricky to keep up with them all!

And isn't it NICE!?!

It sure is!! I love the fact that MM is adding new features also, not just fixing bugs.

I know some people complain about this and that in the game, the AI's not goood, no TCP/IP etc..etc.. Well there is always something in any game that can be improved. I have yet to find that absolutely perfect game. But let's face it guys, SEIV could be a lot worse!!!! It's could have been released in an unplayable bug ridden state like some unnamed game companys (all of us know a few) have the anoying habit of doing. And as it is I think SEIV is a great game, and with MM listening to us, it will only get better.
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