Originally posted by Taqwus:
Hrm. An evil idea (for multiplayer only, methinks -- versus folks who don't carefully examine every opposing ship) --
'Trojan Horse' / deceptive ships, such as...
Colony ships, loaded with troops instead of colonists; perhaps have a few in systems belonging to a mark^H^H^H^Hally.
Cruiser colony ships, so that folks see a small stack of cruisers labelled "Annihilator Mk. V" and "Juggernaut", and look elsewhere. Mix with fully armed cruisers labelled "Utility ship" and "Fleet Tender".
Bait labelled "Barney", "Pikachu" or "N'Sync". Who could resist the chance to waste 'em... ;-)
A medium transport, with fighter or satellite bay(s) for a nasty surprise if somebody thinks it's easy prey.
These are pretty amusing, but I gotta wonder why a medium transport with fighter or sat bays would be a "surprise"... isn't this the best class for using units with? ALL my mine layers, sat layers, and even fighter transport (when I use fighters which isn't often) is done with the medium transport. The large transport is probably as good a carrier as the specific carrier class if you don't mind the reduced speed.
Now, labeling your sat layer "Population Transport" and setting it in harms way, stuffed with your best satellites or fighters, might be a cool trick but the class alone is not any reason to believe it's harmless to my mind.
I really like the idea to use colony ships as troop transports, though. Will definitely remember that one.
Say, do you suppose their ought to be "troop bays" required to drop troops on a planet? As it is now, any old transport can act as an assault ship...