Re: Ship roles (division of labor)
jars_u >>
Aye. It probably makes sense for testing purposes, 'tho -- as in making sure that my ships defeating the AI's fleets didn't happen just because better tech balanced out a nonsensical design, or having greater pop because I stumbled on ruins giving me another colony type early on, or whatnot.
On the quantum reactor, it works as Noble says. The fleet will still run out of supplies when you engage in multiple battles a turn (say, 3 anti-planet battles perhaps), so it's not quite as flexible as QR's for everybody, but QR's are a tad pricey and it saves 20kt space per ship, IIRC. The AI appears oblivious to the possibility of destroying the utility ships and thus making supplies matter...
One additional type that I'm considering is a dedicated 'big gun' ship -- meant to be the only one that uses not-every-round large beam weapons like Wave-Motion Guns, with strategy set to something like --
max range / don't get hurt
attack only ships, stations, planets and platforms
pri: has weapons, largest, most damaged,
nearest (needs testing and tweaking, fer sure)
-- The thing that goes bump in the night
Are we insane yet? Are we insane yet? Aiiieeeeee...