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Old August 27th, 2000, 03:26 AM

jars_u jars_u is offline
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Default Re: Ship roles (division of labor)

Originally posted by Taqwus:
Out of curiousity, how are people normally building fleets?

I've been experimenting with fleets including the following roles (in a max-tech, max-planet, large mid-life start)


I think the ship building possibilties in SE4 is one of its greatest strengths, so many different components so many different strategies to come up with. However, other then for "reserach" purposes I think it is a mistake to design ships assuming that all the tech levels are available. True you can start the game out like that but I don't think that would be much fun. Being forced which areas to develop is a large part of the game. Also, as in real life you won't always have the funds available to create your ideal fleets and there are always outdated ships that you will have to deal with in combat that have not yet been retrofitted.

One question though about this ship design:

* Utility CA (at least 1-2 per fleet)
Resupply (quantum reactor)
Repair (1 repair bay)
Satellite/mine launching
Cargo carrying
Missile defense (3 Point-Defense Cannons; others in fleet usually have 1 or 2)

Does having 1 ship in a fleet with a quantum reactor allow all ships in that fleet to basically share the ulimited supplies?


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