Re: Is is me or is something wrong?
Are you sure about that? It was my impression that turning on Finite Resources merely limits the amount of each resource available on each planet, as opposed to scattering a certain amount of the resources among the various planets.
I think the former idea would be more realistic, especially if the amounts available were proportional to the production rates of the planets, i.e. if a planet with 120% mineral production rate could be mined for twice many minerals as a planet with a 60% mineral production rate. Come to think of it, possible twice the percentage bonus equaling four times the potential might be even more realistic.
I think a great way to go would be to have the production rate go down as the planet is mined (or farmed or its radioactives are refined . . . ) This would represent quite nicely the way resource production would go down as the easier-accessied areas are tapped out. IOW, if you mine x amount of resources from a planet and its production rate will drop a percent or two.
It might be more reasonable to weight the amount needed to diminish the production bonus by planet size, since a larger planet would tend to have larger amounts of easily accessible elements due to its larger surface area, and so forth. It seems rational that, even if its heavy elements are nicely scattered about on the surface (and thus it has a nice high radioactive production bonus), a tiny planet would simply be exhausted faster then a giant one. This may already be included in the calculations that set the production rate percentage modifiers, but that doesn't seem to be true based on what I've seen so far.